J2 Graduation Day
Borrow blazers by 8th OCTOBER
Memorize songs: Chinese and English School Songs, Hua Zhong Xing and Chang Yi Shou Hua Chu Di Ge.
Apollo and Athena people in AudiAres and Artemis in Hall
9th Oct:
12.30-2om 2-Open House Rehearsal
2-5pm Graduation Rehearsal
6.30-9.30pm -Graduation Ceremony (Apollo Audi/Artermis Hall)
10th Oct:
10-12pm -Grad Day
1-1.40pm -Warm ups and practice OH songs
1.40-2pm - Open House Rehearsal
2-4pm - Choir Practice
6.30-9.30pm -Graduation Ceremony (Athena Audi/Ares Hall)
11th Oct:
3-5pm -Choir Practice